Hello here’s this months magazine, hope you enjoy !

Issue 269 May 2020
Scottish Charity Number SC006482
Website – www.arbroathwestkirk.org

Church Calendar

Unfortunately, all Worship Services, all Church Organisations and Non-Church Organisations, all Church meetings including Kirk Session and Core Groups are still cancelled/postponed until further notice.

Update from the Session Clerk

This has been a very difficult time for the Church as we practice social distancing which is the very opposite of Jesus’ example of social contact and inclusion. Perhaps we should say physical distancing rather than social distancing because overcoming the Covid-19 disease will be done as a cooperative and selfless endeavour. Particularly heart-breaking are the restrictions on funerals but we may be able to hold memorial services when restrictions ease. Let us not forget that we have a commission from Jesus for mission but also a promise, “remember that I am with you always”.

Just for information:

  • The Ed Low Memorial Trust has sent a $6,000 cheque to West Kirk via Wells Fargo Bank, Las Vegas where the Trust is administered. We were required to fill out a short form to say how we spent the 2019 cheque in the furtherance of religion. Clearly, Ed Low, who lived in Boise, Idaho, had an Arbroath connection, specifically with the old St Margaret’s Church. I will endeavour to find out and let you know the connection.
  • I would like to sincerely thank Scott who continues to officiate at funerals.
  • The Life and Work Magazine (which I strongly recommend) for May has been made available online at the Life and Work website free of charge. There is an interview with the Rev Dr Martin Fair plus his reflections which he was to give at the General Assembly now unfortunately cancelled. Well worth a read.
  • If you have access to the internet, the Church of Scotland website contains a large amount of information on the Christian response to the current situation and also prayer and worship material.

Bill Clark.

The History of our Congregation (4)

In the April magazine I wrote about North Grimsby Street Church. In 1867 this congregation built and moved into their new church in Princes Street. Over time Princes Street Church became St Columba’s Church, then Ladyloan St Columba’s before closing in 1990 when they united with St Margaret’s Church and became West Kirk. As a result of uniting, a number items came to West Kirk including some stained glass windows, and the story of one of those windows is worth retelling. The two windows now in the west transept of West Kirk were originally one window in two closely fitting parts. It was a memorial window and was dedicated by the Rev. James Murray on Sunday 21st October 1928. The window had a scroll at the foot which read:

“To the Glory of God and in Remembrance of the Company of Honourable Women who have served Him in this Church”

It was bequeathed to the church by Mr John Brodie, J.P. who died in 1928 aged 81 and who wished to have a memorial to the women workers of the church. Brodie was a well-known figure in the town having been the founder of the Arbroath Herald newspaper in 1885.

The window depicts the Biblical scene from Acts 16 in Philippi when Lydia meets Paul and Silas and becomes the first ‘European’ to be converted to Christianity and she offers the Apostles the hospitality of her home. We know from the text that Lydia worked in the business of dying purple cloth which was a luxury item and she had a large household (with no mention of a male head) and that she was religious, probably a ‘God-fearer’, that is, she worshiped the one creator God. Paul gives a theological affirmation of Lydia’s faithfulness to the Lord by accepting her offer of hospitality in her home (Acts 16:15). Hence, the window depicts the purple robes of Lydia and the city of Philippi in the distance. Young figures around her represent her household who were baptised by Paul. Paul and Silas are equipped with a staff to help them on their missionary journey. The window was created by Messrs J. Wipple & Co., Exeter and is made with the finest English antique glass. When being transferred to West Kirk the foot containing the scroll, and some of the top of the design had to be removed to fit the new space, a great pity, but the harmonious colouring remains, and it is good to know that it honours the women of the church down through the years who have been faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Bill Clark.

Christian Aid Week 10 – 16 May 2020

As you will all be aware many of the usual fundraising events in aid of Christian Aid have been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak. The Tay Bridge Sponsored Walk, our parish Door to door collection and of course the town’s joint churches Coffee Morning, all sadly cancelled.  It is hoped that perhaps the Coffee Morning or a similar event may take place later in the year.

However, Christian Aid Week is still going ahead by moving online!  They are inviting us to join them online and show our love for our neighbours near and far, as a global family.  They have put together a collection of resources including a daily quiz, live stream worship events and prayers, which include those for the church, for our medical workers everywhere and for times when in isolation.

There will also be the opportunity for you to give and share during CA week.

If you would like to get involved then click on the following link


Thank you to all for your continued interest and support of Christian Aid and it’s work.

“Love never fails. Coronavirus impacts all of us. But love unites us all.”

(message from CA)


Scheduled for Sunday 31st May 2020 at 7.30pm has been postponed.

A date will be forthcoming once we know when we can have large social gatherings again and when it can be fitted into the Friends calendar!

Audrey Shepherd.

Sunday School/Faithfinders

I am currently delivering a weekly bible story online through the Sunday School and Faithfinders Facebook page, then suggesting an activity for the children.  I do the story in a powerpoint, with pictures and record myself reading it, then post it on the page.  This allows the children to follow the story, while it is being read.  Before the lockdown, this page was used to post weekly pictures of what the children had been doing that week.

Leza Gibson, 872467

Loving God,

We come to you in our prayer at this time with our fears and uncertainties and ask that you show us how to face the challenges posed by coronavirus.

We are afraid and anxious not only for ourselves but for others in our Community.

Bless all families, carers, medical professionals, researchers, all workers and those in responsible positions in Government.

Help all of them to work tirelessly to seek an end to the spread of this virus.

At this time we are being asked to follow rules and we ask you God to give us all the strength to do so and act in a responsible way so that we too can help stop the spread.

Bless all those who have suffered loss over the last weeks because of Covid-19 and let them know your loving comfort.

All this we ask in Jesus name.



Prayer submitted by May Herron


Arbroath Community Council Medical Scrubs Initiative

As you may be aware, Arbroath Community Council are looking to make medical scrubs for the health professional and care staff within Arbroath and surrounding areas in Angus as part of the ongoing coronavirus situation We have joined the ScrubHub project

(www.ScrubHub.org.uk), whose aim is making scrubs to order for health professionals and care staff who are struggling to get them during this crisis. By setting up our own community ScrubHub, we can make a difference little by little for our health professionals and care staff in the community.

We are looking for volunteer sewers who have:

*Their own overlocking sewing machine

*Their own sewing machine

* Each volunteer must have experience of operating an overlocking

sewing machine without supervision, we may look to establish a

network to support each other. The pattern and materials will be given to each person provided and the community council will arrange to collect the completed medical scrubs. All materials; resources provided are of no cost to any volunteer.

Would you like to volunteer your services to help the health professionals and care staff in the local community, and have experience with an overlocking sewing machine? Then we would like to hear from you – by mailing

arbroathcommunitycouncil@gmail.com  or by messaging our

facebook page.

If you cannot sew but want to contribute towards this worthy cause. We desperately need funding to make sure that we can meet the demand. You can do this by visiting our gofundme page at this link to make a donation, only if you can afford to do so.


All donations received will cover;

* Cost of fabric and materials to make the scrubs

*Any postage or delivery costs of the medical scrubs to the places where they have been.

Article submitted by Brian Cruickshanks




Tel: 01241 434721


Please note the office is not fully operational at this time however, the phone is being checked regularly for messages, I am checking emails and updating the website from home so if you need to get in touch where possible please do so via the website or the email address and I will get back to you as soon as possible.   Thank you.

Myra Scoular

Change of Address

If you have moved house recently, or are about to move, either within or out-with the town, please email your details to  arbroathwestkirk2019@gmail.com  or post through letterbox in the Church hall.  Thank you.


Name              __________________________________________



Address           __________________________________________



Address           __________________________________________