Toddler Group
Toddlers @ West Kirk meet every Wednesday during school term from 9.15am to approximately 11.15am. This group is not just for the wee ones but great for parents/carers/childminders to meet with other adults and have a good chat. We have a weekly craft, lots of toys for the children to play with and finish up with song time.
We also provide the snacks, which consists of toast, cheese and fruits and there are teas/coffees and toast for the adults. The cost for each meeting is £2 per child with a reduced charge for each subsequent child of £1 each.
Summer is fast approaching and quite a few of our young ones will be moving on to Nursery, so our new session will start on Wednesday 16th August, so there will be some spaces available. If you would like to have your Toddler’s name added to our waiting list please contact Myra as soon as possible on 01241 434721 during office hours or email the church office at
Thank you.