Sunday 9th July – Prayer Night, 7pm, St Andrew’s Church – Moving forward – praying together
Organised by the transition team, this will be an opportunity to meet and pray together and celebrate all that binds us together in Christian unity. We will pray about the process of Union and the issues we currently face as we move forward as one Church seeking the Lord’s guidance and discernment as we do so.
We hope many of you will take this opportunity to pray together and we look forward to meeting with you in the 9th.
Sunday 16th July – United Service – Old & Abbey Church, 11am – Come and celebrate the summer with a songs of praise service at Old & Abbey and enjoy refreshments afterwards. There will be no service at any of the other Arbroath & District Churches that day. Please speak to Myra or Chris if you will need transport.
Summer Barbeque – Our summer barbeque will take place on Saturday 19th August, not in July as advertised in the summer magazine. Tickets will be on sale from the social committee from this week.
Seaside Rock – Our holiday club takes place in the last week of the summer holidays from Monday 7th August. Forms are available in the large hall if you know of anyone of primary age who might like to come along. Please give completed forms to Myra in the office.