Our New Minister

A BIG thank you from me to everyone I have been able to meet so far, albeit behind masks for your warm welcome to Arbroath West Kirk. Thank you too to all those who have been involved in the extensive planning and detailed preparation necessary for my ordination and induction to take place in our current challenging circumstances. Mike and I already feel settled in the manse and our dog, Sally, is getting used to a new set of walks!

Though I’m the minister, I’m looking forward to being part of the team at Arbroath West as together we seek to encourage and support one another to know and experience God’s love and share it in our local community.

Given the restrictions, it isn’t going to be easy to meet and get to know people over the next few weeks but I hope to speak to as many as I can by phone, email, magazine, social media etc. Keeping in touch is so important at the moment. You’ll find my contact details below. Please do use them if you’d like a word. If you do see me at church or around the town, please say hello and introduce yourself – it’s good to talk!

Whilst everything feels new for Mike and I and for all of us in these unfamiliar times, I’m reminded of the words spoken by God through the prophet Jeremiah, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11.

Take care and stay safe.

Yours in Christ,


Church Office Telephone 01241 434721

Manse Telephone Number 01241 554189

Email address Christine.Hay@churchofscotland.org.uk

MinisterRev Chris Hay
Session ClerkAudrey Shepherd
Assistant Session Clerk Bill Clark
TreasurerDavid Spink
Assistant TreasurerVacant
Core Group ConvenerLinda Bird
WFO ConvenerMyra Scoular
Gift Aid ConvenerMyra Scoular
Social ConvenerJoan McGregor
Property ConvenerRoss Cargill
Stewardship ConvenerMay Herron
Prayer GroupMay Herron
Bible Study Group Bill Clark
RollkeeperDerek Atkinson
Church SecretaryMyra Scoular
Hall Convener Myra Scoular
Flower ConvenerRuth Ferguson
HousekeepingSarah Forbes
Scottish Country Dance GroupRena McLeish
Safeguarding Coordinator Jean Cargill
Assistant Safeguarding Coordinator Liz Aiken
Magazine Editor Myra Scoular
Magazine Distributor Kathleen Bruce
OrganistsVicki White
Rev Dr Ian Gough
D J ClubLeza Gibson
Crèche Audrey Cherry
The Guild May Herron
Youth ClubRobert Parry
Alistair Ferguson
Friday Coffee StopJoan McGregor
Wednesday ClubMargaret Sim
Knit & Knatter GroupAngela Pagan
Toddlers @ West KirkLindsay McLeod

The Ordination Service of Rev. Christine Hay

Chris was born in Manchester and moved to Glenrothes in Fife with her family in 1995.  She and her husband Mike were involved in youth work at St Columba’s Parish Church in the town for 20 years.  After finally responding to God’s call, the mother of three attended the University of St Andrews and did placements in chaplaincy at Perth Prison and throughout Kirkcaldy Presbytery.  Chris was ordained and inducted as our new minister 29th October 2020

The video of this service can be accessed below.

Worship & Services

Mrs Christine Hay Preaches Sole Nominee, Sunday 27 September 2020 at 11 am

At a meeting held virtually on 12 August 2020 the Nominating Committee chose the person whom they wish to propose to the congregation of Arbroath West Kirk to be the new minister. The name of the person proposed is Mrs Christine Hay (Chris) Arrangements were been made for Chris to conduct public worship in Arbroath West Kirk on the morning of Sunday 27th September 2020 at 11 o’clock.  You can watch her lead worship in the video below.